To be recognized as the BEST teaching-learning and research centre in the country.
· To advance knowledge and educate students in Chemical sciences by providing quality teaching, research and service opportunity.
· To develop analytical skills and creativity among students with adequate theoretical and practical knowledge.
· To inculcate ethical values and a sense of service to the society.
The department of Chemistry, established in 1960, has grown with reputation as centre of academic and research activities. The department offers academic programs leading to M.Sc degree in Chemistry and Ph.D degree in the different areas of Chemistry. The department caters basic Science courses in Chemistry to all under graduate programs and also contributes to the academic content of B.Tech. programs in Chemical Engineering and Metallurgical & Materials Engineering. Well established laboratories with sophisticated and state of the art instrumental facility, highly qualified faculty and dedicated staff provide an ideal environment for the teaching-learning process and research activities. The active involvement of the department in the research activities is well evident from the large number of research articles published in peer reviewed journals,doctoral degrees awarded, research projects undertaken from external funding agencies and National and International conferences/workshops/short term programs organized.
The research activities taken up by the faculty in the department include areas, such as Biophysical Chemistry, Biosensors, Carbon Nanomaterials, Catalysis, Computational Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Corrosion Science, Crystal Engineering, Drug Discovery, Electrochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Functional Materials, Green Chemistry, Liquid Crystals, Medicinal Chemistry, Membrane Technology, Nanomaterials, Natural Products, Organic Electronics, Photo-Chemistry, Polymers, Reaction Kinetics, Supercapacitors, Supramolecular Chemistry, etc.
Most faculty members have established active collaboration with many of the reputed universities abroad, for the research activities. The department extends its expertise and facilities to the local community, industries and academic institutions through services like testing and consultancy, training programs,guest lecture,etc.